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This form is an information form/questionnaire provided to you by the law firm of ROWEN & KLONOSKI, P.C. in order to obtain information necessary to prepare and file an uncontested divorce. It is not meant to provide legal advice to you. Nor is it intended to form an attorney/client relationship between our law firm and yourself. Rather, this form is provided to help potential clients understand the categories and range of information necessary to properly provide divorce attorney advice. In an uncontested divorce, the plaintiff and defendant must have reached an agreement regarding all issues of child custody, support, visitation, and equitable division of property and debt division. An attorney can only represent one of the parties, even in an uncontested divorce. The marital separation agreement will be incorporated into the final judicial divorce decree. Please note that a filing fee is required by the Superior Court to file for a divorce. If you have minor children, a seminar for divorcing parents is required by the Superior Court before a final decree may be issued. Attendance is required of both parties in the divorce, but you may attend separate seminars. A separate fee will be assessed for the seminar that you will pay directly to the County.



(Legal Name including suffixes (Jr., Sr., III, etc.))

Street (including Apartment #)
___________________________, __________ ___________ ____________

City State Zip County

DOB: ________________ U.S. Citizen: _________ YES ____________ NO

Telephone: ____________________________________ _(work)
_____________________________________ (home)
_____________________________________ (cell)
_____________________________________ (fax)

E-mail: _____________________________________

Specify whether the husband is plaintiff or defendant: ______________________

Number of marriages prior to this marriage : ___________ ____
(None, 1, 2, 3, etc.)



(Legal Name)

Street (including Apartment #)
___________________________, __________ ___________ ____________

City State Zip County

DOB: ________________ U.S. Citizen: _________ YES ____________ NO

Telephone: ____________________________________ _(work)
_____________________________________ (home)
_____________________________________ (cell)
_____________________________________ (fax)

E-mail: _____________________________________

Specify whether the wife is plaintiff or defendant: ______________________

Number of marriages prior to this marriage : ___________ ____
(None, 1, 2, 3, etc.)

Wife's Maiden Name ____________________________________.

Does the Wife want her maiden name restored after the divorce? _____ YES _____ NO


Date of this Marriage: _______\_______\_______
Day Month Year

Date of Separation: ______\_______\_______
Day Month Year

Length of time Husband has resided in state (years and months) __________________

Length of time Husband has resided in county (years and months) __________________

Length of time Wife has resided in state (years and months) __________________

Length of time Wife has resided in county (years and months) __________________


How many children as issue do you have from this marriage? __________

Name: _____________________________ DOB: _______ M ____ F_____

(Legal Name including middle name)
Name: _____________________________ DOB: _______ M ____ F_____

(Legal Name including middle name)
Name: _____________________________ DOB: _______ M ____ F_____

(Legal Name including middle name)
Name: _____________________________ DOB: _______ M ____ F_____

(Legal Name including middle name)
Name: _____________________________ DOB: _______ M ____ F_____

(Legal Name including middle name)


Have said Children resided with the plaintiff and defendant since birth? ______ YES _____ NO

Have any other proceedings other than this divorce ever been initiated concerning the custody of said children? ______ YES ______ NO

Does the Plaintiff know of any individual other than the parties to this action who have any claim of custody or visitation rights concerning said Children? ______ YES ______ NO

At the present time, the minor children are living with: ________________________________.

Legal custody of the children should be granted to: ___________________________________
(Mother, Father, Joint, etc.)

Physical custody of the children should be granted to:_________________________________
(Mother, Father, etc.)


The gross income of the father: $ ___________________ per month.

The gross income of the mother: $ ___________________ per month.

Monthly child support Husband will pay to the Wife? $_________________________

Monthly child support Wife will pay to the Husband? $ ________________________

In this case child support is being determined for _____________________child(ren).
(Number, 1,2,3, etc.)


The applicable percentage of gross income to be considered is

Number of Children Percentage Range of Gross Income
1 17% to 23%
2 23% to 28%
3 25% to 32%
4 29% to 35%
5 or more 31% to 37%

Child support cannot be less than the minimum amount required by the State of Georgia, unless special circumstances exist. Check below any special circumstances that would warrant deviation from the Georgia child support guidelines:

1. Ages of Child(ren).

2. A child(ren)'s extraordinary medical costs or needs in addition to accident and sickness insurance, provided that all such costs or needs shall be considered if no insurance is available.

3. Educational costs.

4. Day-care costs.

5. Shared physical custody arrangements, including extended visitation.

6. A party's other support obligations to another household.

7. Income that should be imputed to a party because of suppression of income.

8. In-kind income for the self-employed, such as reimbursed meals or a company car.

9. Other support a party is providing or will be providing, such as payment of a mortgage.

10. A party's own extraordinary needs, such as medical expenses.

11. Extreme economic circumstances including but not limited to:
a. Unusually high debt structure; or
b. Unusually high income of either party or both parties, which shall be construed as individual gross income of over $75,000.00 per annum.

12. Historical spending in the family for children which varies significantly from the percentage table.

13. Considerations of the economic cost of living factors of the community of each party

14. In-kind contribution of either parent.

15. The income of the custodial parent.

16. The cost of accident or sickness insurance coverage for dependent children included in the order.

17. Extraordinary travel expenses to exercise visitation or shared physical custody.

18. Any other factor, as described below:
___________________________________ ________________________________________