Atlanta Attorney Representation For Over 40 Years

Common Questions for the Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer

Ask the Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer


Do I need to call the police if I am in a car accident that is not my fault?


Yes. Be sure the officer records the facts as you and the witnesses saw them. Do not assume the police officer has the same understanding of what happened in the wreck as you think he has. You or someone on your behalf should ask him what he will include in his report --who will be cited, who are the listed witnesses, are relevant telephone numbers and addresses included, etc. The report will be ready for you to pick up from the police department in 2-5 days. Ask the police officer where and when you can get it. When you pick it up, read it. If it differs at all in how you understand the auto accident to have occurred, immediately contact the police officer and arrange to talk with him. He can supplement the report. Get all possible information about the at-fault driver and any eye witnesses. Do not rely on the police officer for this task. Ask bystanders for their names and numbers.

Ask the Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer


Will the fault driver contact his insurance company and will they contact me?


Who knows? Your attorney should immediately contact the fault driver's insurance company to confirm that coverage is in effect and to open a claim. You should also contact your own insurance carrier should you wish to use your collision coverage, med pay or if you think your uninsured motorist coverage may apply. DO NOT GIVE A STATEMENT TO, NOR DISCUSS THE AUTO ACCIDENT WITH, THE FAULT DRIVER'S INSURANCE COMPANY. As a general rule, you should give no statements to anyone until instructed to do so by your lawyer. If they contact you, tell them that your lawyer will be contacting them shortly.

Ask the Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer


We have had a serious auto accident and my loved one remembers nothing that happened or is unable to talk. What should I do?


Record everything you can on film and video. Document the scene of the accident and all surrounding conditions (traffic lights, lines-of-sight, shrubbery, skid marks, etc) as soon as possible following the automobile accident. Shoot numerous rolls of film of the inside and outside of all vehicles. Do not let the car be purchased for salvage by the insurance company. Retain the car. Have it moved to a location the will preserve it in the same condition as following the accident. An investigation will show whether there was something defective in the car that may have caused the accident. Without the car, any products liability claim against the car manufacturer is all but gone. Document your loved ones’ injuries with photos, videos, tape recordings, and written notes.

Ask the Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer


Can I negotiate with the fault driver's insurance company myself?


Legally yes. But the insurance company will probably not offer you the full value that your claim is worth. An experienced lawyer’s expertise can make a world of difference in the dollar value of your case.

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